Enter Your Activation Code to determine which version of Amarra to download:
Don't know your Activation Code? Click Here to have your code sent to the email address you used to activate your product.
Amarra Symphony ( Amarra licenses issued before May 1, 2012 )
Amarra owners with licenses for Amarra 2.3 and earlier access the full feature set of Amarra Symphony including the ability to license two (2) machines, meters, Sonic Mastering EQ, and panner.
NOTE: An upgrade is required for the iRC (Impulse Response Correction) feature in Amarra Symphony with iRC.
MINI Users ( MINI licenses issued before May 1, 2012 )
Amarra MINI owners with licenses for Amarra MINI 2.3 can download Amarra 2.6 and use your current MINI activation code to license one (1) computer.
Junior Users
Consider upgrading to Amarra or Amarra Hifi. Click Here
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